Friday, June 18, 2010


5 Rounds of:

10 lunges
10 HPC (65#...used bar instead of dumbbells)
10 dips (used bench)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Humidity is killing me...

Did main site's wod:

Row 500
Bench press, 30 reps (used 55#)
Row 1000m
Bench press, 20 reps
Row 2000m
Bench press, 10 reps

Soaking wet with sweat afterwards and still had to run errands. Yuck! But overall a good workout! :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Let's try this again...

Okay, so I've taken another break. Not because I want to but because life is just crazy sometimes. We did squeeze in a workout this morning before coming home to get ready for Em's birthday party. I did mainsite's Elizabeth:

Power Cleans (used 75#)
Ring dips (1 band)

Also did some backsquat: 75x5,85x5,95x5

Weight felt easy on Elizabeth, but was out of breath easily. Worked up a good sweat and felt good. Definately need to work on flexibility and stretching though!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

2 posts in one day...?!

Whoa! Watch out! 2 posts in one day is a miracle. This one is for my workout today. Another mom workout:

Steps ups (6 boxes)
Backsquat (65#)
Dips (bands)

Took me a while to stretch and warm up. My hamstrings were so tight after yesterday's Good Mornings!

Very hot, humid & sweaty! Going tomorrow break this week just cause I need to stay at it and get back into it.

Back at it...

I've taken a long leave of absence. Why?! A little bit of laziness, pregnancy exhaustion, and business with FRG. So, I'm back at it because the other day I saw cellulite on my legs. Gasp! So, I'm getting back hard core. Or as hard core as I can be. Here's the CF Mom WOD I did yesterday:

4 Rounds of:
Row 500m
15 Wall-balls w/14#
15 Good mornings w/45#
15 Squats

Then I worked on BS and DL. Just 5x5...

A little sore this morning but we're going back. :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Running & Wallballs

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

400 meter run
40 wall balls with 10# ball

I completed 4 rounds and now I'm exhausted and going to take a nap!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

10 rounds...a bit much!

Yesterday I did a previous day's workout...

10 rounds of:

135# DL, 15 reps
15 push-ups

I started off with 115#, but ended up having to go down to 95# after round 4. Also started with men's push-ups and ended up having to go to women's push-ups after round 4.

Not even going to mention my time. I know I was doing a lot of talking and not much sucking! :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So I lied...

Well, I thought I would be better at blogging and working out, but I was wrong. I walked 6 miles Monday with Dymphna & Michelle and then today did the CF Football workout: Deadlift 5RM (95,115,125,135,145,155...I think that's the order), 3RM Kips (7,10,7). Then ran 4 rounds of 200 M sprints ranging from 43 seconds to 45 seconds. I thought I was going to pass out. Switched to 200 M row sprints for the last 4 rounds, but didn't pay attention to the times.

I do good with my eating, but then I feel like I need that extra bite of something sweet. I feel yuck right now. I'm hoping to get back in the groove....:(

Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm back....

It's been over a month since my last post. No excuses other than I've been a lazy, no-good bum! :(

I'm hoping if I start blogging again I'll take more responsibility for my actions...or nonactions.

Today I did the alternate WOD because I wanted to take Em to open-play gymnastics.

Split Jerk 7x1


Barely got the old PR is 102# on Push Jerk so I know I've lost strength. Like I said, I hope I can get back in to it and be more dedicated. I had tried the CF Football for a couple weeks, but I skipped a lot of days. I didn't like it...not enough cardio. I know I was supposed to be on a "strength cycle", but I feel like I've gained weight from eating bad and not doing enough cardio.

My weight this morning was 133.2. We'll see if switching back to CF Main will bring my weight back down to 127. Just 6#, but I can tell a difference.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Power snatch & DL/Pull-ups

PS: 5x3

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
1 DL (85% of 5rm) - I used 125# (which is not my 5rm...have no idea what that is?!)
1 weighted chin-up (35#) - kips without weight (had a hard enough time getting my body weight up there! )
3 " "
3 " "
5 " "
5 " "

I got in 6 rounds +1 +3+5 DL

Friday, January 8, 2010



BP 5x5: 45,55,65,70,75x4
BS 5x5: 65,85,95,115,135

My biceps and lats are soooo sore!! I can hardly straighten my left arm...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

No strength today...just cardio!

Rest day for Strength, but I decided to do some cardio and did the main WOD.


5 rounds for time:
50 Wall-balls w/20# ball (I used 10#)
25 Pull-ups (I used 3 bands)

My time was 43:43. Felt very sluggish and weak, but I guess you have to start somewhere...right?!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Power Snatch

Power Snatch

My loads were 45,50,55,60,65x2

I was freezing my butt off this morning so I skipped the suck-fest and took Em to gymnastics with all of her friends. I'm glad we went...she had a blast and was so excited to see all of her friends!

I was going to go back this evening, but she just woke up from her nap at 4:45. I think she's still catching up on lost sleep from Christmas vacation.

Not sore...but there's always tomorrow.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Yes...I'm still alive!

It's been a while...between getting a sinus infection that lasted a whole month and the row challenge I have been M.I.A.

Today I started my strength cycle...

Here's what my workout looked like:

SP: 55 (x5), 60 (x5), 65 (x3)

BS: 85 (x5), 115 (x5), 125 (x5)

Then I did 8 intervals of 30 sec on/30 sec off on the rower...something I thought I wouldn't say for a while after the row challenge.

Wonder how sore I'll be tomorrow after a month hiatus?!